The Škoda Favorit is an automobile with a complex history. Its design was created by Italians from Bertone, Porsche and Ricardo helped refine its technical aspects, and it rolled off the assembly line in Czechoslovakia. However, it was discontinued in the Czech Republic when Škoda came under the wing of Volkswagen. Let's flip through old magazines and explore how this car, originating from the Eastern Bloc, competed on the markets of developed countries alongside its competitors at the bottom of the market.
0:00 • The History of the Škoda Favorit, Forman, Pick-Up, and Volkswagen
11:19 • Škoda Favorit in West Germany in 1989
16:02 • Škoda Favorit vs. Ford Fiesta in the United Kingdom in 1989
24:50 • Škoda Favorit at the bottom of the German market competing against Lada Samara, Citroen AX, and other affordable rivals in 1993
28:08 • Škoda Favorit in the Soviet press
28:53 • Škoda Favorit vs. VAZ-2109 in January 1991
33:20 • Škoda Favorit and Forman in tests by Autoreview
36:28 Foreign cars in the countries of the former USSR
37:40 • Škoda Favorit on the roads of Europe
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