The lectures in this series will be followed by discussion circles on Zoom. These are occasions to go further into the material, and to ask me other questions as well. If you would like to participate in the discussion circle this coming Friday the 12th of November at 4 PM U.S. Central (Chicago) Time, please fill out the contact form at
I would like to have four people join me each week. This first time, although about fifteen people expressed interest, I offered the slots only to the first four. Unfortunately, one could not access the link and another was also prevented from joining, so I only got to speak with two people this week. Next week, I would like to send the Zoom link to more people so that we can have a larger group.
This first discussion was engaging for us, and I hope it will be engaging to watch and listen to as well. Going forward, though, I would like the conversation to begin with more focus on the preceding lecture. To that end, if you would like to get the most out of the series, please consider reading the chapters beforehand. Thanks to Mathew for providing a link to the out-of-print text:
Before watching the second lecture, read part II (chapters 5-9).
If you are in a position to support my efforts to share knowledge through these videos, please consider contributing at