Jackie and Shadow seem to be focusing just as much time on flirting as they are on nestorations!
Beaky kisses, feather pulling and bumping each other are all forms of bonding and showing affection to one another. Jackie seems to favor the beaky kisses… Shadow can’t get enough of nipping on Jackie’s feathers… and they both like bumping!
Jackie and Shadow have been snuggled together in their nearby roost trees several nights in a row... Romance is in the air!
The last couple of days they have only added one stick to the nest, though they are continuing to spruce up the place. The crib rails are much more defined, and the bowl is taking shape nicely. They usually start adding the soft materials in December just in time for eggs.
You may notice a flash towards the end of the video. That was the camera switching to night vision. The nest tree also has an infrared (IR) light allowing the camera to view at night. The IR light is not visible to the eagles or humans, for the eagles the nest is in complete darkness.
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