This morning Jackie and Shadow made a beautiful duty changeover, almost as if they know exactly what they are doing--which, of course, we know they do!
With the overcast sky and rain sprinkling off and on, Jackie stayed a little later on the nest than on mornings when the weather is clear and sunny. And Shadow knew better than to show up for a turn when the weather was iffy.
But, when the rain took a pause, Jackie must have decided that a break was safe. She left the nest and started calling to Shadow from a distance…
…and Shadow flew in to take over the egg-sitting within 14 seconds! He announced back to Jackie that everything was fine and happily settled in on those eggs.
This same transition as seen from Cam2, shows even more how in sync Jackie and Shadow are…
…By the time Jackie started calling to Shadow, he was already in the air to the left of the nest and circling to drop in and take over. As they are each so dedicated to the care of their precious eggs, they were both flying at the same time, creating a perfectly coordinated changeover for egg-duty.
Nature and our beautiful eagles are amazing.
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