/ jerryheilofficial
This song by Ukrainian singer Jerry Heil #МРІЯ translates as Dream. MRIA is also the name of the famous giant Antonov An-225 transport aircraft, the largest airplane in the world, which was destroyed early in the conflict by Russian forces at Hostomel airport near Kiyiv in February, 2022, where it was in a hanger undergoing maintenance.
It features in the song's lyrics - You can bombard Shchastia (Luck-Good fortune - the name of a long suffering front line village in Luhansk province in SE Ukraine), You can shoot up MRIA (Dream - the An-225 destroyed at Hostomel), But they will not be able to kill our Will.
Everyone will reap what they sow (the song's refrain).
Jerry Heil official офіційна сторінка
YouTube / jerryheilofficial
Jerry Heil's YouTube page about the song #МРІЯ
сторінка про пісню #МРІЯ
Toronto Ukrainian Festival - Український Фестивал у м. Торонто
The full videos from the livestream of the main stage of the festival are on AV Canada's Vimeo page
з цих сторінок можна скачати відео живого ефіру з головної сцени фестивалу у різних якостях
Day 1 evening https://vimeo.com/750009034
Day 2 afternoon https://vimeo.com/750781992
evening https://vimeo.com/750010696
Day 3 afternoon https://vimeo.com/750013768
MRIA An-225 wikipedia
Battle of Antonov-Hostomel Ariport
Shchastia front line village in Luhansk province in SE Ukraine since the 2014 confict, now 80% destroyed in Russian invasion