What is the most powerful PLC instruction? What instruction or concept is the most powerful when programming any manufacturer's PLCs? Many people will guess timers, counters, or the set and reset bit instructions. These are all great instructions, but indirect or pointer instruction is the most powerful.
In PLC programming, pointers, also called indirect addressing, store or retrieve memory addresses of data or instructions. They are instrumental when dealing with large amounts of data or performing complex calculations. Machine recipes, sequence control, and test result storage are just a few examples of where this powerful PLC instruction is used.
We will examine how indirect addressing works in the Click, Do-More, and Productivity PLCs. You will discover how easily and powerful pointers are when programming. Let's get started.
Detailed information and links can be found in the corresponding post here.
PLC Beginner’s Guide to PLC Programming
Here are the controllers that we have covered at ACC Automation:
BRX Do-More Series (Do-More Designer Software + Simulator)
Productivity Series
Click PLC Series
Omron CP1H Series
Horner XL4 PLC Series
EasyPLC Software Suite is a complete PLC, HMI, and Machine Simulator Software package. See below to receive 10% off this software. This PLC learning package includes the following:
Easy PLC – PLC Simulation will allow Ladder, Grafcet, Logic Blocks, or Script programming.
HMI System – Easily create a visual human-machine interface (HMI)
Machine Simulator – A virtual 3D world with real-time graphics and physical properties. PLC programs can be tested using the EasyPLC or through other interfaces. (Modbus RTU, TCP, etc.)
Machine Simulator Lite – Designed to run on Android Devices.
Machine Simulator VR – Virtual Reality comes to life so you can test, train, or practice your PLC programming.
Purchase your copy of this learning package for less than USD 95 for a single computer install or less than USD 110 to allow different computers.
Receive 10% off the investment by typing in ACC in the comment section when you order. http://www.nirtec.com/index.php/purch...
Learn PLC programming the easy way. Invest in yourself today.
ACC Automation