As requested by Mitchythecartoonlover2000 (via skype) Here's the opening to Shrek 2001 VHS
Print Date August 4th 2001
Here's the order
1. FBI Warning screen
2. Coming to Theaters next year bumper
3. Spirit Stallion of the Cimarron trailer (An awesome trailer)
4. E.T. 20th Anniversary edition trailer
5. On Video and DVD bumper
6. Antz trailer
7. How the Grinch Stole Christmas Trailer (I actually got the AVON copy of this movie recently)
8. Shrek the Motion Picture Soundtrack promo
9. Format Screen
10. DreamWorks logo (Shrek variant)
That's all folks
I claim no ownership of the material. the material is used for Preservation and Entertainment purposes only. all rights go to DreamWorks and Universal. No Copyright Infringement intended