Flutter -  Build Material Dialog - Speed code

Опубликовано: 02 Ноябрь 2024
на канале: Việt Flutter Developers

👍👍👍Article: https://bit.ly/2QPqTrp
Fluter is a great framework for cross-platform that help saves time and effort to launch a new product. However, it can be a bit tricky to implement a different type of AlertDialog. This post will provide a boilerplate for common AlertDialogs that you can use in your project with the Material design standard.
We will use some widgets: AlertDialog , RadioListTile, SingleChildScrollView , CheckboxListTile , TextFormField , ListView , ListTile , Column , Center , Flatbutton , Container, Text

FB Video: https://bit.ly/34vEbS1
Boilerplate code: https://bit.ly/2CWcPZS
Complete Code: https://bit.ly/32eSE1K

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#vietflutterdevs #multiplechoicedialog #singlechoicedialog #flutter #speedcode