Harshad Mehta scam - Scam 1992, is considered as one of the biggest stock market frauds in India. Harshad Mehta's family is free over income tax after 27 years. This fraud is much contributed by the 1992 stock market crash.
Recently Harshad Mehta son and wife Jyoti Mehta got a 6 CR claim. Watch this video to learn more about mastermind Harshad Mehta.
Here's what you will find in this video:
0:16 - Harshad Mehta's journey
0:48 - What is Ready forward deal?
4:10 - How Harshad Mehta scammed the banks
5:50 - Second scam using fake bank receipts
7:08 - Stock market and shares
7:45 - Harshad Mehta’s scam exposed
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