/ discord #bdfd
AM Coder - How to Memoize Functions in Javascript
Турецкие свадебные традиции и обычаи. Невеста впервые в доме жениха
Darci On my Own x Xcho You and me (Mashup)
Double Pump at the Tilted Towers - Fortnite Gameplay
Creating regular polygons with custom meshes in Unity.
Ai Hoshino💜✨~all my lady💃🏻~ -Oshi no ko
lane detection using opencv python
7th tutorial | Staff application command with the modals! (bdfd)
3# bdfd | message log!
How to make an api easily like aoi.js and bdfd!
all in one moderation command in bdfd!
2# BDFD | Automatic staff status command!
Customname outro(Hurricane)
9th tutorial | ModMail in bdfd!
6# bdfd | welcomer with dashboard in bdfd!
bdfd giveaway command +1 uncommon!
15th tutorial | Bot online/offline checker.
Every new minecraft players be like:
when you use McDonald's wifi.