✓ The original source of the video Vkontakte group #WhoRussia: https://vk.com/whorussia
Thanks to all those who sent the video. It's very nice that the flash mob took place right away and several cities took part at once. Yes, of course the result had to wait a very long time, but I hope you like it.
✓ Also many thanks to Sonya for helping with the video editing: https://vk.com/nerpa2007
✓ Excerpts from the video will now be released here: https://boosty.to/doctorwhorussia
✓ Yandex Dzen: https://dzen.ru/doctorwho_rus
✓ VK Group: https://vk.com/doctorwho_Rus
✓ For the development of the channel: https://www.donationalerts.com/r/doctorwhorus
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