SM64 TASing and ABC Discord: / discord
Just to say, I started like 48 stars in so I'm late since someone asked if someone was recording. The SGDQ audio syncs up on the bottom left since I was dumb enough to leave the audio for the stream itself running, so I put it there if it does annoy anyone of how off-sync it becomes. The video on the right however, syncs up with mostly 1ted59 and Plush as they were the most ahead.
Aside from that, I placed a grey line on the bottom representing the Discord voice call to show who's the one talking since pannenkoek2012 surmised he didn't know anyone's voice (other than Plush), and it's best for anyone who's never heard any of these guys voices.
Spent like 4 days editing the peoples voices, and will add in subtitles later on.
I'm aware there may be some tiny things missing or mistakes where someone said something or it just wasn't them, like Charcoal saying "I agree" at 0:42, but fixes will be included in subtitles. It can also be that I just never knew who was talking at that certain point so I left it as "?" or empty. (Not all people in VC talked btw, or talked before 48 stars.)
From the SGDQ 2017 event.
/ gamesdonequick
Original Video: • Super Mario 64 by cheese05 in 1:41:40...
The SM64 120 Star Runner (cheese05) -
/ cheese051
/ cheese05
People that were in VC -
1ted59: / 1ted59
CeeSZee: / @ceeszee
Charcoal: / domilego4
Craftyawesome: / @craftyawesome6830
Dennis (Not Balow)
jongyon7192p: / jongyon7192p
Kaze: / kazebg0
4232nis: / 4232nis
non5en5e: / @non5en5e
Notchmath: / @notchmath9642
pfedak: / @peterfedak64
Plush: / youvebeenplushed
rouge1234654: / @deldeerouge744
tesserakt: / @tesserakttesserakt
TimeTravelPenguin: / timetravelpenguin