WAVE Catcher is an application that can track accessibility testing data collected using the WAVE API. The data is stored in a database, can be viewed by a user, and can easily be seen in the application's main view. A chart showing the top 10 accessibility issues is also included in the application.
Here's CS50W's Capstone Final Project specifications: https://cs50.harvard.edu/web/2020/pro...
This application was built with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Django, and Bootstrap.
You can see all of my CS50W Projects here on YouTube:
Project 0: Search - • CS50W Project 0: Search
Project 1: Wiki - • CS50W Project 1: Wiki
Project 2: Commerce - • CS50W Project 2: Commerce
Project 3: Mail - • CS50W Project 3: Mail
Project 4: Network - • CS50W Project 4: Network
Final Project: • CS50W Final Project: WAVE Catcher
Follow me here on YouTube as well as my blog at https://bruceelgort.com