PowerApps First, FirstN, Last, LastN Functions | PowerApps First Function | PowerApps Last Function

Опубликовано: 19 Январь 2025
на канале: TSInfo Technologies

The first () function in Power Apps returns the first item of a data source or table. The First function returns a single record or an item.

Power Apps FirstN is a function that helps return the first set of records of a table. The second argument defines the number of records to be returned.

Similarly, Power Apps Last function returns the last item or record of a data source or table.

Finally, PowerApps LastN is a function that helps return the last set of records of a table. The second argument defines the number of records to be returned.

In this Power Apps video tutorial, I will discuss information about the Power Apps First, FirstN, Last, and LastN Functions using different examples.
Visit a complete tutorial on Power Apps First, FirstN, Last, and LastN Functions: https://www.spguides.com/powerapps-fi...
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