Welcome to part 3 of the Air Nation Guide for War Thunder! This is the third episode of the 5-part nation guide for planes, where we go over every air tree in the game. After a short break we are finally back in business with Japan and China.
Part 1 - USA & Germany: • Air Nations in War Thunder EXPLAINED:...
Part 2 - USSR & UK: • Air Nations in War Thunder EXPLAINED:...
Part 4 - Italy & France: • Air Nations in War Thunder EXPLAINED:...
Part 5 - Sweden & Israel: • Air Nations in War Thunder EXPLAINED:...
Full playlist: • War Thunder Air Nation Guide
• Discord: https://discordapp.com/invite/d9QGse4Mzy
─── Fellas ───
Joob cameo: @_Joob
Voice for Japan: @fuel147
─── Songs used ───
🇯🇵 Army Aviation March: • 陸軍航空の歌 (instrumental version made with https://vocalremover.org/)
🇹🇼 🇨🇳 Chinese Air Force March: • 中国空军进行曲 (March of the Chinese Air Force)
0:00 - Intro
0:08 - ⁴🇯🇵 Intro
0:53 - ⁴🇯🇵 Tiers I-II
3:34 - ⁴🇯🇵 Tiers III-IV
8:38 - ⁴🇯🇵 Tier V
10:52 - ⁴🇯🇵 Tier VI-VIII
12:26 - ⁴🇯🇵 Conclusion
14:20 - ⁵🇹🇼 🇨🇳Intro
14:57 - ⁵🇹🇼 🇨🇳 Tiers I-II
16:13 - ⁵🇹🇼 🇨🇳 Tiers III-IV
18:41 - ⁵🇹🇼 🇨🇳 Tier V
20:08 - ⁵🇹🇼 🇨🇳 Tiers VI-VIII
21:30 - goober cameo
22:48 - ⁵🇹🇼 🇨🇳 Tiers VI-VIII
23:34 - ⁵🇹🇼 🇨🇳 Conclusion
25:04 - Outro