There is an interesting historical development associated with Beta decay, that lead to the prediction of a new fundamental particle - The Neutrino.
This is known as The Neutrino Hypothesis
The Beta Decay is seen to violate the following Conservation Laws -
1) Energy Conservation Principle
The KE of the electron emitted in beta decay was detected to be always less than the expected KE, and did not have a fixed value. Instead, it had a continuous distribution.
2) Linear Momentum Conservation Principle
The emitted electron and the recoiling daughter nucleus did not have exactly opposite directions, as it should be to conserve linear momentum.
3) Angular Momentum Principle
Since, all the particles involved in beta decay, i.e the neutron, proton, and the electron are fermions, .i.e they have half spin, the reaction did not conserve Angular Momentum.
These violations could be explained away if another particle is involved in the beta decay reaction. This idea was first proposed by Wolfgang Pauli in 1931, and later on by Enrico Fermi in 1934. They said that to prevent the violations of these Physical Laws, an uncharged, light, spin half particle must also be emitted along with the electron in a beta decay reaction.
This particle which was named as - NEUTRINO (which meant "little neutral one") was later experimentally discovered in 1956, thus providing validity to the Neutrino Hypothesis.
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• Nuclear Physics