熊出没·重返地球 | 中文版全片 | Boonie Bears: Back To Earth | Full Film ⭐🛸

Опубликовано: 13 Март 2025
на канале: 熊出没 Boonie Bears

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神秘的“外星人”阿布造访狗熊岭,和熊二不打不相识。熊二了解到原来阿布一族起源于地球,因为他们对地球环境的巨大破坏不得不离开地球流浪宇宙。熊二和阿布在寻找族群遗迹的时候遭到了神秘高科技军团的攻击,地球再次面临巨大的威胁。 阿布再次回到地球的目的到底是什么?他们能否保卫阿布最后的家园?
A mysterious alien named Avi arrives in Pine Tree Mountain and befriends Bramble. Bramble gradually learns that Avi’s people, the Rhyot, originated from Earth. Millions of years ago, a highly developed Rhyotan civilization thrived to the detriment of Earth’s environment. In the end, the Rhyotans had to flee their home planet.
When Avi leads Bramble to the ancient relics of his people, a high-tech human army using all sorts of weapons attacks them both.
What’s the purpose of Avi’s trip back to Earth? Will he be able to protect his homeland this time?


新朋友风语咒:   • The Wind Guardians | Full Film | 風語咒  
熊出没之探险日记 第一季:https://goo.gl/g2hRmv
熊出没之探险日记 第二季:https://goo.gl/jHtvjZ
熊熊乐园 第一季:https://goo.gl/MCCo5A
熊熊乐园 第二季:https://goo.gl/xh86Fz
熊熊乐园 第三季:http://bit.ly/34eQ0Zh


熊出没玩具:https://booniebears.aliexpress.com/st... 🏠
订阅 http://bit.ly/BoonieCubs 看熊熊乐园最新视频 🐻
订阅 http://bit.ly/BoonieBearsCAN 看地道粵語版熊出沒 😉
订阅 https://goo.gl/2jkTmo 看方特经典动漫 📺
订阅 http://bit.ly/BoonieCubsThai 看泰语版熊熊乐园
订阅 http://bit.ly/BoonieTuneClub 听小小熊强唱儿歌🎶
Boonie Bears English Channel: http://bit.do/EngBoonieBears 🔠
Fantawild Animation English Channel: http://bit.ly/FTWECS 🔤