happy sunday! fun fact proved by many scientists: today is a perfect day to start learning a new language. y'all, as this world keeps turning, there are less and less excuses as to why you shouldn't become serious in your linguistic endeavors. there is a lot of stigma surrounding the topic, and once and for all i'd like to address some big misconceptions and areas where a lot of people go wrong! keep in mind that these are my opinions... very informed opinions... heheh. what do you all think?
thank you so much for watching ♥️
Langfocus (Paul's channel): / @langfocus
Grammatical case: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grammat...
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📷 instagram:
/ elyssespeaks
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/ elyssedavega
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💌 about me
Hellooo! My name is Elysse, I’m from the USA and I study digital media production. I have an undying passion for linguistics, language learning, and all the beautiful experiences it has brought into my life ♥️ I hope you enjoy my videos about my journey in language learning, as well as diaries about my travels and life as a curious tree-climber.
How old are you?:
20 years old
What languages do you speak?:
English, Spanish, French, German, Portuguese, American Sign Language, and now Chinese (all at varying levels!)
Where do you live?:
The United States, in the south.
#languagelearningtips #polyglot #multilingualism