Use the template Point class with ints.
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Отзыв Елены Хитровой о практикуме "Революция в МЛМ"
Finite State Machines, an intro
Using the Full method
Throw and catch exceptions
Using the template HowMany function with Carton objects
Overload the insertion operator for the template Point class
The template Point class getters and setters implementations
Use the template Point class with doubles
Use the template Point class with ints
The template Point class getters and setters declarations
Add documentation for the MaxInArray function
Use the MaxInArray function with an array of doubles
Create the MaxInArray function and use it with ints
Use the MaxInArray function with an array of Cartons
Using the template MySwap function with doubles
Using the Template Swap Function with Cartons
Creating and using the template MySwap function with ints
Functions with no inverse
Inverse of functions with infinite domains & targets
Bijection required for inverse
Function properties, equality, and the floor and ceiling functions
Functions example 2
Functions example 1
More Cartesian products
The Cartesian product with strings