What's up VideoFort NATION! We have some big news! VideoFort's CEO has a new book that is the culmination of 10 years of creating content for over 180 brands like Redbull, Amazon, Boeing and Marriott Hotels. If you want to learn the secrets on how we built up a multi-million dollar agency + stock footage company that brings in over 150k in passive revenue a year, look no further than "Become a Content Brand." Here's the link:
Here's a fun tutorial on how to track your face and add objects to it. In Adobe After Effects it is now incredibly easy to add facial ID effects very similar to Instagram's Face Filters, and Snapchat Filters. This is not augmented reality though. This tutorial will show you how to track your facial features and then use those tracking points to add objects to it.
The expression I used from CreativeCow.net, created by Paul Carlin, is right here:
A=thisComp.layer("your layer here").effect("Face Track Points")("Right Nostril");
B=thisComp.layer("your layer here").effect("Face Track Points")("Left Nostril");
// Find the length of side a
SideA = sub(A, B)[1];
// Find the length of side b
SideB = sub(A, B)[0];
//Find the Angle between them
radiansToDegrees(Math.atan2(SideA, SideB))+180;
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• For this tutorial, I use After Effects CC 2017. No plugins are required.
• Use the detailed facial features tracking effect to track your face after you have created a mask around your head.
• Instead of parenting the position to a track point, create a null object and use that as your point to parent to.
• Add additional animations to your mustache or glasses by positioning it in or scaling them in, etc.
Please leave a like if this helped you and if you have any questions or want to learn a certain effect please let me know in the comments section and I'll get to it to you ASAP.