Top 15 SQL Interview Questions And Answers - Employee Table | Part - 1
Hello and welcome to Test Automation Central! This video is entirely focused on SQL Interview Questions and Answers, with a specific emphasis on the employee's table. Instead of conventional slides or presentations, we'll take a hands-on approach and provide live demos of various SQL queries. Whether you're a backend developer, full-stack engineer, or automation specialist, SQL knowledge is vital in today's interviews.
Top 15 SQL Interview Questions:
1) Retrieve all records from the "employees" table.
2) Select specific columns "first_name" and "last_name" from the "employees" table.
3) Filter records to find employees with a specific gender, e.g., "M" for males.
4) Sort employees based on their hire date in ascending order.
5) Retrieve employees who were hired on the first day of any month.
6) Group employees based on their gender and find the count of employees in each gender category.
7) Find the earliest hire date among all employees.
8) Find employees whose first name starts with "T".
9) Update the hire date of an employee with a specific emp_no, e.g., set hire_date to '2023-01-01' for emp_no 101.
10) Find employees who were hired in the year 1995.
11) Retrieve the names of employees who have the same first names.
12) Find the youngest and oldest employees from the "employees" table.
13) Retrieve employees who were hired on a Monday.
14) Retrieve employees who were hired in the current year.
15) Delete the record from the "employees" table whose emp_no is before 10045.
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