You will be pleasantly surprised with a taste of this amazing dish. Cooking a cabbage and meat mince lasagna is worth of your efforts, particularly as not much of it needed. You can cook a dish beforehand and just warm up when necessary. This is the case when a dish becomes even tastier.
✅ Ingredients:
• white cabbage – 3 lb | 1.2 kg
• carrot – 4 oz | 120 g
• onion – 7 oz | 200 g
• meat mince – 1.8 lb | 800 g
• rice – 8 oz | 220 g
• crushed tomatoes – 7oz | 200 g
• fresh parsley – 2 tbsp | 10 g
• tomato paste – 1 tbsp
• sugar – ½ tsp
• vegetable oil – 3 tbsp
• garlic powder – 2 tsp
• ground chili pepper - ⅓ tsp
• ground coriander – ½ tsp
• salt – 2 tsp
• ground black pepper – ½ tsp
• water – 5 cup | 1.25 l
✅ You will need:
• carving board
• microwave oven
• oven
• 2 deep bowls
• stockpot
• colander
• baking dish 8*11 in | 20*30 cm
• roasting bag
• food foil
📙 Preparation:
1. Cut the cabbage-stump out neatly and place the cabbage into a roasting bag, pierce the bag with a toothpick in 4-5 points and put the cabbage into a microwave oven for 8 minutes at 800W.
2. Take the cabbage out of the microwave oven carefully and take off soft leaves trying to keep them whole. Place the rest of not softened leaves of cabbage head into the oven bag again and send to the microwave oven for 6-8 minutes at 800W.
3. Pound the cabbage leaves’ thick parts lightly with a kitchen tenderizer.
4. Sauce: combine 1 tbsp of tomato paste, ½ tsp of salt, ½ tsp of sugar and 1cup | 250 ml of water in a bowl.
5. Heat a pan, add 2 tbsp of vegetable oil and fry the chopped bulb onion for 2 minutes over medium heat.
6. Add the finely cut carrot and fry for another 3 minutes over medium heat.
7. Add the crushed tomatoes, stir and simmer for a minute over medium heat, take the pan off the stove and cool down the sauce.
8. Add 1 l of water into a stockpot and bring to a boil, add the rice and boil for 5 minutes over low heat.
9. Drain the rice, wash with cold water and lay out into a colander.
10. Add 1 tsp of salt, the ground black pepper, ground coriander, ground red pepper, garlic powder, prepared rice and fried vegetables into the meat mince and combine well.
11. Brush a baking dish with 1 tbsp of vegetable oil and lay out the cabbage leaves onto the bottom in one layer.
12. Follow with a layer of the meat mince, even and sprinkle with the chopped parsley. Make a layer of cabbage leaves on top, then a layer of the meat mince, parsley and repeat all one more time. End with a layer of the cabbage leaves on top.
13. Cut the prepared casserole with a knife into servings.
14. Pour with the prepared sauce and let the sauce get through the lasagna to the bottom of the dish. Cover with a foil and send into the oven preheated to 390°F |200°C for 30 minutes. In half an hour reduce the heat to 320°F |165°C and roast for another 1 h 30 min. Check the readiness with a wooden stick, the lasagna should be soft and the stick entering easily.
15. Sprinkle your cabbage and meat mince lasagna with the chopped up parsley and serve hot with a sour cream.
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