🔥 How to Install VS Code on Android Using Kali Linux or Ubuntu in Termux 🔥
Turn your Android device into a full-fledged development environment! Learn how to install Visual Studio Code (VS Code) on your Android phone using Termux with either Kali Linux or Ubuntu. This step-by-step tutorial will guide you through setting up a powerful code editor on your smartphone without the need for root access.
#VSCodeOnAndroid #Termux #KaliLinux #Ubuntu #AndroidDevelopment #CodeOnTheGo #MaheshTechnicals
How to Install VS Code on Android Using Kali Linux or Ubuntu in Termux:
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1. Android device with Termux installed.
2. Stable internet connection.
3. Sufficient storage space for VS Code installation.
4. Basic knowledge of terminal commands.
FAQs Covered:
1.How to install VS Code on an Android phone using Termux.
2. Fixing common installation errors in Termux.
3. Setting up a development environment in VS Code on Android.
4. Running code seamlessly on your Android device.
Follow along as we guide you through downloading, installing, and running VS Code on your Android phone. This method is perfect for developers on the go, offering a robust and portable coding environment.
Topics Covered:
1. Installing VS Code on Android without root access.
2. Setting up VS Code in Termux with Kali Linux or Ubuntu.
3. Writing and running code on Android.
4. Troubleshooting common installation issues.
00:00 - Intro
00:19 - Requirements
00:40 - Get All Commands
01:25 - Download VS Code Installer Script
02:29 - VS Code installing.
04:07 - VS Code Installed Successfully
04:20 - Fix VS Code Not Opening Issue
06:10 - Create Desktop Shortcut.
06:47 - Fix Browser Not Opening Issue.
07:23 - Uninstall VS Code From Android
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