In this tutorial you’ll learn how to check if a string is a palindrome using JavaScript. Get my free 32 page eBook of JavaScript HowTos 👉
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So there are a couple of ways to check is a string is a palindrome in JavaScript and we’ll first look at what seems to be the most logical way of doing it which is using a for loop.
In the tutorial i’ll take you through the process of looping through a string to check if each character at opposite ends of the string are the same.
This process is a pretty simple way to check a string (or number) is a palindrome or not in JavaScript however we’ll look at one problem with this which is if the string has unexpected spaces, commas or other symbols. By definition, as long as the actual letters match up (without any of the symbols) then the string is technically still a palindrome so we should accept it.
So we need a way to remove these characters that we don’t want to check for in our palindrome with JavaScript. You’ll learn a simple way to do this using a Regular Expression.
Once you’ve learnt a way to check for a palindrome using a for loop, we’ll look at some ways of doing it with the javascript reverse function and also a bit of a more esoteric method using a filter function to remove items from the array if they don’t match the end of the string.
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