Welcome to the first ever Nation SCPGraphic Documentation! In this video, we explore the endangered species known as the Cadets (Chad cadets). These new comers are either a pain, or just a nice person wanting to see some SCPs. This species is dying out due to the fact that sweats will do whatever they can to get one clip on a new players. The wild expidition will consist of us hunting for the cadet, then observing them, and finally guiding them to the right path.
Before you go comment, I know I sound like an absolute joke in some clips but overall, it was a fun experience to actually watch some new players accomidate to the game. Dont take to offense if I say some things repetitivly or just sound downright weird, I was doing it for the memes and if you do find it odd, just clicking off is always an option.
Play Here: https://www.roblox.com/games/50411444...