I disassemble, with a little trouble, the single tumbler quick change gear box on my 1941 13" South Bend lathe. The gear box allows you to control the speed the lead screw rotates, in relationship to the speed of the spindle. This allows you to accurately cut threads for screws, bolts and nuts as well as adjust the feed rate for facing and turning operations. I had a bit of trouble with some seized parts and things got a little hot.
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I am a long time maker that dabbles in more hobbies than I can afford to do at once. I started this channel to document my adventures in my 2014 Jeep Wrangler (Lil' Mule) that has had many modifications made to it since it left the factory and has traveled to many spots across the US. My other interests include welding and metal fabrication, wood working, model railroading, machine restoration, and more. My videos are more of a "How I Did It" commentary than a "How To Do It" documentary. I hope you enjoy watching these as much as I enjoy making them.
Check out our other videos on Jeeping, Welding, Metal Fabrication, Woodworking, or just plain having fun.
Check out my blog: https://www.mylilmule.us
Jeep Build: https://www.mylilmule.us/the-mule/
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