In previous Docker tutorials, we see how docker commands are entirely command line based; In this video, we'll learn to use Docker Compose v2 (first major version bump of Docker Compose, released May 2022), which allows anyone to configure Docker containers using a YAML file.
Using Docker Compose, we'll configure 3 docker containers, running Wordpress, MySQL, and PHPMyAdmin respectively and see how to get these different services talking to each other (hint: using docker networks!) while also allow for seamless local development using bind mounts, port mapping and volumes, concepts we've learned from our previous Docker tutorial lesson ( • Hands on Introduction to Docker & Dat... )
00:00 Why Docker Compose is like sorcery
05:25 Docker Compose usage patterns: a wordpress + mysql example!
07:02 Writing a docker compose file for wordpress + mysql
23:10 Future-proofing our app architecture w/ Docker Compose file
26:19 Adding phpMyAdmin onto the same network through docker compose
34:50 Full stack local wordpress developer w/ a single docker compose file!
40:25 Closing remarks
New to Docker? Start from this instead:
Hands on Introduction to Docker & Data Persistence w/ Docker Volumes
• Hands on Introduction to Docker & Dat...
Enjoy hands-on tutorials that uses Docker? Try running Elasticsearch and Kibana on Docker as well (October 2022, Elasticsearch 8.4):
• Elasticsearch & Kibana on Docker (Oct...