10 тысяч подписчиков
107 видео
Build a PyScript interactive dashboard w/Altair | End-to-end PyScript Tutorial #3
Web Storage: Cookies for web personalization, Session Storage and Sessions in Django
Deploying a PyScript App w/GitHub Pages | End-to-end PyScript Tutorial #2
PyTorchs Computational Graph + Torchviz | PyTorch (2023)
Whats new in Python 3.11 (7 new features in upcoming python 3.11)
PyScript Demo / Tutorial | End-to-end PyScript Tutorial #1
Purpose of serializers | Passing context from Django to React without it
Python Dicts are now insertion-ordered (Python 3.7)
Build w/ Python 4: Python Code Refactoring (Modular python functions)
useDApp tutorial (detailed, step-by-step) | React x Web3 series
Automated research: Extracting companies from PDF and "google" them using PyPDF2 and Regex (Python)
LangChain + OpenAI tutorial: Building a Q&A system w/ own text data
You should use LangChain's Caching!
Build w/ Python 2: Colorful terminal CLI, argparse, python package structure (production-ready)
Use less for-loops, use more vectorization
Data Visualization in Python: Altair Data Preparation | Complete Data Visualization Course part 3
GPU-based deep learning (2023) series 1: PyTorch & CUDA installation guide
GPT builds entire app from prompt (ft. SMOL Developer)
Train a PyTorch neural network step-by-step | PyTorch deep learning (Feb 2023)
How to create generative art (tutorial for NFT bros) with Python
Intro to SQLite: CSV to SQLite (Python for Bankers series)
Backpropagation algorithm & gradient descent, but explain it like I'm 5
Build w/ Python 3: (how to) build & publish our Python Package!
Build Chat AI apps w/ Streamlit + LangChain
Elasticsearch & Kibana on Docker (October 2022, Elasticsearch 8.4)
Understanding Embeddings in LLMs (ft LlamaIndex + Chroma db)
A language for LLM prompt design | Guidance
Taskwarrior is THE task management system you need
LangChain + HuggingFace's Inference API (no OpenAI credits required!)
GPT scrapes + answers from any sites (ft. Chromadb, Trafilatura)
Building an AI language tutor: Pinecone + LlamaIndex + GPT-3 + BeautifulSoup
Building neural networks with PyTorch (PyTorch w/ GPU tutorial, part 4)
TorchVision Quick Start: Image classifier in 10 mins
Hands on introduction to Docker Compose V2 (tutorial ft. wordpress, mysql, phpmyadmin)
Introduction to Tensors (PyTorch with GPU series, part 2)
YouTube Comments to CSV (✓ Official YouTube API, ✘ scraping) w Python
Hands on Introduction to Docker & Data Persistence w/ Docker Volumes
PyScript Tutorial #5 Building an interactive map w/ Folium & PyScript
Build a PyScript guestbook webapp | PyScript Tutorial #4
Data Visualization in Python: Building Blocks of Altair (Tutorial Series part 2)
Create a GitHub Profile Readme w/ social links
Practical introduction to Python's subprocess module
Digit Recognition (conventional computer vision)
Web Scraping with BeautifulSoup (+ a sprinkle of Regex)
dApp Tutorial: Web3 (web3.js) and React Detailed Walkthrough
Steganography Explanation and Code Examples (Least Significant Bit)
Build a knowledge bot 📰 w/ PyScript's Fetch API + Wikimedia
Locally-hosted, offline LLM w/LlamaIndex + OPT (open source, instruction-tuning LLM)
YouTube Analytics API with Python (May 2022 new Google API Library)
Visual Studio IntelliCode Demo
Ethereum Smart Contract Programming 2: Creating our cryptocurrency