Full Course Link:
Some of the highlights of this course are as below
you will learn,
1) UML(Unified Modeling Language) state machine semantics like simple/composite states, events, signals, transitions, entry/exit actions, guards, pseudo-states, etc
2) Drawing UML state machines using graphical modeling tools such as Astah and QM™ modeling tool
3) Implementing embedded applications using Hierarchical state machines and Active objects design approach
4) Using QP™ real-time embedded framework and QP™-Nano Arduino library in your embedded projects
5) Active objects
6) Hands-on event-driven project implementation and testing on Arduino UNO board (Please check the preview videos on the above link)
Explore QP™ real time embedded frameworks and QP modeler tool by quantum leaps, LLC
QP™ Nano for Arduino UNO
Quantum Leaps YouTube Channel
/ @statemachinecom