In this video, Ngrok, setup on both Windows 10 and 11 in the year 2024, will be demonstrated. Learn how to expose your localhost to the internet with Ngrok— easily share your local Node.js server with any other device anywhere in the world. This is particularly useful for developers who want to test and demonstrate their work online.
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What You'll Learn:
How to install Ngrok on Windows 10 and 11— step-by-step
How to Expose a Simple Node.js Server Over the Internet
Why Ngrok?
Ngrok is a fantastic tool that lets you simply expose your local development environment securely to the internet. Whether you're testing webhooks, sharing live demos—or, heck, you're working remotely—Ngrok is there to make connecting your localhost to the outside world a total breeze.
Ngrok download -
00:00 - Intro
00:15 - Downloading Ngrok
00:46 - Installing Ngrok
01:20 - Updating environmental variables
02:02 - Configuring ngrok auth token
02:36 - Setting Up a Node.js Server
03:16 - Share your Localhost to the Internet