Python list is a type of data structure that allows you to store multiple items in a single variable. Lists are created by placing a comma-separated sequence of items inside square brackets [].
In this Python video, I have explained how to sort a list alphabetically in Python using five different methods such as some built-in functions like sort() and sorted(), which are simple to use and handle most of the sorting needs.
This shows how to use the max() and min() functions to sort a list by finding the alphabetical first or last elements of the list. We can also use a customized sorting logic or learning purposes, by creating a custom sorting function.
Here is the list of the functions that I am using to sort a Python list alphabetically
1. sort() function
2. sorted() function
3. max() function
4. min() function
5. Custom function
I hope you understood all of them.
You can check out our complete article and get the sample code from:
How to Sort a List Alphabetically in Python:
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