ENGR 221 (Electrical Engineering & Circuits I) Playlist:
• ENGR 221: Electrical Engineering & Ci...
Transient DC Circuit Analysis Lecture Series:
Ⓙ① Intro to Transients; Steady State Analysis: • Transient DC Circuit Analysis Ep.1: I...
Ⓙ② Natural Response Derivation and Example: TO BE POSTED
Ⓙ③ Forced Response and Combined Forced and Natural Response: TO BE POSTED
Ⓙ④ Transient DC Example Problem (Inductive) using Easier More Powerful Method: • Transient DC Circuit Analysis Ep.4: U...
Ⓙ⑤ Trickier Transient DC Example Problem: Test Source to Find Req; Ceq for Capacitor Network; Several Analysis Techniques e.g. Nodal, Mesh, Source Transformation, Voltage Division, etc.: • Transient DC Circuit Analysis: Tricki...
This lecture was recorded on January 21, 2022. All retainable rights are claimed by Michael Swanbom.
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