How To Go From Broke To Successful In 3 Months | Affiliate Marketing Story | Make Money Online
Hi, Thanks for watching our video, According to Grant Cardone, a famous American author, anyone can get rich. Regardless of your current economic condition, where you live,
or what you do, you can become wealthy,” he writes in “The Millionaire
Booklet: How To Get Super Rich.”
The self-made entrepreneur, who owns and operates four companies
that do nearly $100 million in annual sales, went from broke to seven
figures by following a few simple steps.
“The reality is, what I have created financially in my life is very simple,
and that is why it will work for you,” he writes.
Here are the steps that are important to go from broke to successful.
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00:00 Introduction
00:34 Step one Mentally commit
00:53 Step two Do the math
01:36 Step three Increase your income
02:05 Step four Find out who has money and spend time with them
02:39 Step five Stay broke
03:13 Step Six Save to invest, don’t save to save
Step 1: Mentally commit
Getting rich starts with your mindset — with the belief that you really
can accumulate wealth.
“The biggest mistake is to think becoming a millionaire is impossible,”
Cardone says “The first thing you have to do is decide to become a
millionaire, multimillionaire, or billionaire if you want. Then you must
reinforce that decision, over and over.”
Step 2: Do the math
Next, crunch the numbers to see what it actually takes to reach sevenfigures, or whatever your personal goal is.
For any goal to be achievable, you must believe in its possibility as a
realistic and doable goal. The way to do this is simply by doing Million
Dollar Math. How many different ways can you collect one million dollars?
If you can figure out a way to get 5,000 people to buy a $200 product,
you’d have $1 million, says Cardone. Or, if 5,000 people paid you $17 a month for 12 months, that would also get you to $1 million. Of course,
these examples are highly simplified, but the point still stands: “Do the math to create possibility, then create a strategy,” says Cardone.
Step 3: Increase your income
Once you’ve done the math and realize how real it is to get super-rich,
you need to focus on increasing your income streams. After all, self-made millionaires tend to have at least three sources of income.
There are so many ways to increase your income today, from the internet
sales at home, writing blogs, editing for authors, releasing a podcast
and on and on. Additional streams could also be real-estate rentals,
stock market investments, side businesses, or part-time jobs such as
teaching a language or driving for Lyft.
Step 4: Find out who has money and spend time with them
Ask yourself: ‘Who’s got my money? Make a list of who has your money, the money you want, and figure out what you can exchange with them. Whether you have a service, a product, or an idea, the question to ask yourself is always: ‘Who’s got my money?
You don’t need to make money, you need to connect with those who’ve already collected money, who have money, and exchange what
you have (skills and knowledge) with what they have (money).
There’s no shortage of money, Cardone says.
Step 5: Stay broke
No matter how much you increase your income, “stay broke,” writes
Cardone. “I have a policy to never, ever have money sitting around.
Once I start increasing income, I immediately moved the surpluses to sacred accounts that were out of my reach and marked for future
This is a way of paying yourself first: Cardone invests his money before paying anyone else. This way, he’s never even tempted to spend or waste money that’s sitting around.
… and to
keep reinforcing the actions that had already proven successful.”
Step 6: Save to invest, don’t save to save
“Investing money is how you will get super-rich,” says Cardone. “The
the only reason to save money is to one day invest money.”
Following Cardone’s steps is just the beginning. You have to “repeat
and reinforce” these steps, he says, if you want to continue building
you in the next video until then goodbye
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