In this STET talk, Bas Dijsktra (Director of International Academy at Inspired Testing), has explained and practically demonstrated API Testing using Python. Check the below agenda for more details:
1. Why API Testing?
2. Why Python for API Testing?
3. PyTest Unit Testing Framework
4. Python Requests Library
5. Practical Demonstration of API Testing using Python PyTest- GitHub -
6. Parameterizing API Tests in Python (Data Driven Testing of APIs)
7. GitHub - API Testing using Python Workshop -
8. How Beginners have to learn API Testing?
9. Language preference for learning API?
10. Manual Versus Automation of API Testing
11. API Testing Versus UI Testing
12. API Testing and Reporting
13. Other Q&A
For any questions, reach Bas on his email address - [email protected] or his LinkedIn profile - / basdijkstra
Also, check here the GitHub repo containing the exercises and answers?