100 тысяч подписчиков
5 тысяч видео
Shortcut for commenting in Feature File (Cucumber BDD - Part 49)
New Selenium IDE - Part 101 - Features Walkthrough - Right click options during recording
New Selenium IDE - Part 75 - store value Command
addScreenCaptureFromPath (Extent Reports - Part 21)
Software Testing Weekly by Dawid Dylowicz
3 Courses on Selenium Java at QAFox. Which one to choose? (Solution Inside) #shorts
What is WebServices Testing? (Software Testing Interview Question #90)
Log Collection Data into the generated extent report (Extent Reports - Part 15)
SQL - Part 35 - Installing MySQL Server and Workbench Client for Practising SQL
Bugasura Issue Tracking Tool - Useful Tool for Software Testers
BDD and Three Amigos (Cucumber BDD - Part 6)
What is the relation between JDK, JRE, JVM and JIT (Core Java Interview Question #48)
Auto-generating TestNG Classes with a Test Method in Eclipse IDE (TestNG - Part 3)
API Testing using Python (By Bas Dijkstra) - Full Version (90 minutes Session)
Java program to intake width and height of a Rectangle and find its perimeter
Which locator type is powerful than any other locators (Selenium Interview Question #573)
Parallel Execution of Tests using pytest-xdist (PyTest - Part 22)
SQL - Part 25 - trim() MySQL String Function
Different BDD Tools (Cucumber BDD - Part 2)
𝐓𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐒𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐜𝐞 (By Jatin Sukhija and Tarun Prashar)
Hard Assertions versus Soft Assertions (TestNG - Part 9)
25 Java Interview Questions - Part 32
XPath Expression Locators - Part 13 - XPath Expressions - Wild Cards
End Point and Base URL (API Testing - Part 22)
Java program to check whether the given number is palindrome (Core Java Interview Question #415)
How to write and run Python code from command line? (Python Interview Question # 5)
How to send control or enter or tab key in Selenium WebDriver (Selenium Interview Question #345)
Using Properties File in Selenium Automation (Selenium 4 - Session 32)
parallel=none in TestNG Parallel Execution (TestNG - Part 50)
Abstraction in Python - Abstract Classes and Abstract Methods (Python Tutorial - Part 56)
Difference between method overloading & constructor overloading (Core Java Interview Question #469)
Java program to print the Fibonacci series till the inputted number
What are the different Mobile Operating System Platform? (Mobile Testing - Part 4)
SQL - Part 4 - distinct keyword
SQL - Part 60 - Sub Query (Single Row Sub Query explained by solving different problems)
Scrolling till the end of the Page (Selenium Python)
Handling Shadow DOM Elements using SelectorsHub (Session 13)
What is the file extension of a feature file (Selenium Interview Question #94)
Code Beautify - JSON Viewer (For Viewing JSON text in better way)
Exception Handling in Python (Python Tutorial - Part 59)
Generating separate Extent Reports with filtered Status Test results (Extent Reports - Part 30)
Declaring variables without any keyword in JavaScript (JavaScript for Beginners - Part 18)
Java program which intakes 6 numbers as input and prints their average
User Acceptance Testing (UAT) (Software Testing - Session 81)
Write a program to return number of rows & columns in a webtable (Selenium Interview Question #471)
break and continue statements in Python (Selenium Python - Session 118)
What are top Selenium Automation Tool alternatives available free (Selenium Interview Question #177)
List - Collections (Python Tutorial - Part 34)
What is the difference between Maven Plugins and Dependencies (Selenium Interview Question #579)
Selenium Java Automation - Practical Demonstration series on different websites(Shadow DOM)- Part 23
Capture screen-shots & the best place to have its code (Selenium Interview Question #211)