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CTNS Course 2241 Broadband Converged IP Telecommunications
Lesson 7 Network Access: The Last Mile
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Here for your pleasure is Lesson 7 Network Access: The Last Mile
This lesson is dedicated to network access technologies, called the last mile, the physical connection between the user and the network; the face of the telecom network to users.
We group access technologies by physical medium: copper, fiber and wireless.
Copper includes twisted pair loops, LAN cables and old-fashioned T1s, as well as coaxial cable CATV infrastructure.
Fiber means Optical Ethernet, shared links for residences via Passive Optical Networks and dedicated links for businesses.
Wireless includes 4G LTE and 5G, used for both fixed and mobile applications, and satellites.
Service is usually billed on a per-access basis, and usually coupled with a network address. There are many types of access circuits, all covered in detail in CTNS courses. To get started, in this first CTNS course, we provide an overview by technology: copper, fiber and wireless.
This is Lesson 7 of 11 in Course 2241 Broadband Converged IP Telecommunications
2241 Broadband Converged IP Telecommunications - Course Outline
Broadband Converged IP Telecommunications is the first course in the TCO CTNS Certification Package from Teracom Training Institute. It is a high-level introduction to all aspects of modern IP telecommunications; a big-picture view to begin building a structured base of knowledge in telecom.
1. Introduction
Course introduction and overview.
2. Convergence
One network carrying all services: telephone, video and Internet. Channels vs. packets.
3. Broadband
Bandwidth, and how much “broad” might be
4. Broadband Converged IP Telecommunications Model
Graphical model identifying all the main aspects of telecommunications and how they relate
5. The Network Core
High-capacity, high-availability connections between aggregation centers. Fiber rings.
6. Network Protocols: Ethernet, IP and MPLS
Ethernet moves packets point-to-point. IP address is the final destination. MPLS manages flows.
7. Network Access: The Last Mile
Twisted pair, hybrid fiber-coax, Passive Optical Network, Optical Ethernet, cellular, satellite
8. Anatomy of a Service
Network access technology, network connection type and billing agreement
9. Services: Residential, Business and Wholesale
Comprehensive review of the main dollar-value services in each sector
10. Network Equipment
Layer 2 switches, IP routers, MPLS routers, FDM and TDM multiplexers, wavelength cross connects
11. Carrier Network Interconnect
Tariffed switched-access for calls involving a PSTN phone number; Internet Exchange transit and peering
Course 2241 Broadband Converged IP Telecommunications is the first course in the CTNS Certification Package.