Laravel 6.0 | Installation | Authentication (artisan make:auth in laravel 6.0)

Опубликовано: 04 Ноябрь 2024
на канале: Coding Skills

Laravel 6 : Installation and Authentication
php artisan make:auth in Laravel 6.0
Hope that you have installed wamp/xamp and Composer

Laravel installation via
1)Laravel Installer
composer global requirere laravel/installer
laravel new blog
2)Composer Create-project command
composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel blog

lets check current installation
using "php artisan serve"
for checking available commands in php artisan use "php artisan list"
Lets add authentication to it
php artisan make:auth no longer exists in laravel 6

install laravel/ui
composer require laravel/ui

lets check ui commands
laravel ui have vue/react/bootsrap ui packages
php artisan ui bootstrap --auth
php artisan ui vue --auth
php artisan ui react --auth

Please run "npm install && npm run dev" to compile your fresh scaffolding.

npm is the package manager for node.js platform
npm installed with node js

if already installed check npm -v / node -v

To complete authentication run
php artisan migrate
created db named "blog" (edit .env file and DB_DATABASE key)