Preference Finder is a fun little website where users can input a list of things, and from them, a series of questions will be presented, each one presenting the user with a choice of 2 things. When the user has finished answering all of these questions, a rankings list will be calculated where the original list will be reordered from worst to best based on tallying up the individual answers.
The final results are scientific and conclusive. So, try this app today if you ever wanted to know just where everything fitted into place in your imaginary preferences list for your favourite books, TV shows, music, gadgets, celebrities, you name it, the possibilities for this app are endless.
P.S. I’m generally sorry if any of my rankings offended in you in some way. Keep in mind, they where only done as a bit of fun so don’t take them too seriously. No, I really mean it, you’d only make yourself look foolish if you put so much vigour into something that was purposely designed to attract attention 😊.
Cosmic Storm by A Himitsu / a-himitsu
Music by A Himitsu (
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Music promoted by Audio Library • Cosmic Storm – A Himitsu (No Copyrigh...