Try this Ancient Bible Prayer & You’ll Never Be the Same…

Опубликовано: 20 Октябрь 2024
на канале: Jake Ducey

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Matthew 13:12 – “Whoever has will be given more, and they will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what they have will be taken from them.”

“Back Then” – When I was a kid, I thought that meant God was a mean jerk that favored rich and powerful people, while taking away things that the struggling & helpless people needed. I thought it was describing a vindictive God that punished people that “didn’t have” and gave them even less!

“Now” – It’s my opinion that this Bible Verse is describing your state of consciousness in a profoundly metaphysical way. When it says “whoever has,” it’s referring to assuming the mindset that your wishes are already fulfilled. You are in a state of mind where you’re not begging God for something you don’t have, instead you’re so certain of your success that you’re actually thanking God for your blessings, even though it hasn’t yet manifested in your personal reality. The verse is saying “whoever has” abundance in their consciousness, they will be “given more” of what they’re already spiritual in alignment with, which is “abundance!”

And when it says “Whoever does not have,” it’s referring to when you want something, but are focused on the fact that you don’t have it. You want money but you are frustrated with being broke. You want to fall in love, but you keep saying all the good guys or perfect women are gone. You want big career success, but keep thinking how frustrating it is that you’re so unlucky. You think you’re praying to God, but really you just beg God for it, “Please give me it. I don’t want it but I really want it. Please God help me.” And you may even complain or get anxious when you keep noticing day by day that your desires STILL have not manifested.

And look, I am not any more spiritual or wiser than you. I’m not trying to preach to you or make you believe anything you don’t want to believe. I’m just sharing with you what helped me go from being broke, depressed and alone – and how I became a happy, healthy, millionaire in my 20’s, with a soulmate that I love.

When this happens, typically… You say, “Why is this happening to me?”

You think, “I know what I desire. I’m praying to God to give me it. I am working hard. I am a nice person. Why am I not getting better luck? Why am I not getting what I desire? Why is this happening to me again?”

And by the spiritual law and order within the Universe, you keep getting more of it. Because, “To those that DO NOT HAVE, even that which they have is taken away from them.”

But the secret of your salvation is found in Romans 12:2, which says, “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.”

“Do not conform to the pattern of this world,” means that I cannot allow my limited circumstances of my personal reality to ultimately control my mind-state. I cannot allow my thinking patterns to conform to my present undesirable personal reality.

BECAUSE “To those who do not have, even that which they have is taken away from them.”

So you must be “transformed by the renewing of your mind.”

If you want to be amazed by the Universe, if you want to even be a bit shocked and frightened by how quickly God will change your life for the better, you must understand what I’m about to say…

The trick that can change your life is hiding in the Latin origins of the word transformed. “Trans” means beyond, to move beyond. And “form” means the physical world or physical circumstances, the world of form that you perceive with your eyes and ears. So the word “trans-form” means to GO BEYOND THE FORMS and current circumstances of your physical world.

To be transformed by the renewing of your mind is to reset your consciousness to a higher spiritual vantage point. To transform your mind is to SEE and THINK beyond your personal reality your eyes and ears are analyzing. To be transformed by the renewing of your mind is to transform (go beyond) your current thinking from the 5 physical senses. Instead it is asking you to elevate to your 6th sense. No longer conforming your mind to the limits of your current reality.

One simple way to practice this is by using a simple prayer technique. Stop asking God or the Universe for what you want during your prayers. Instead you use your prayers to thank God for your abundance. You thank God for the health you desire. You thank God for blessing you with Divine abundance that brings thousands of dollars for you. You thank God for all the divine love you feel, thanking God for attracting your soulmate, your dream house, your dream car, or whatever else you desire.