Rematch time! One team wants revenge for the last best of 9! Chris & Khay vs ClouD & SpirituMagno in Generals Evolution. Big thanks to Zer0Below85 for sponsoring this show match!
First match: • Chris & Khay vs ClouD & SpirituMagno ...
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Oz Media, Mediastorm, d34dlyshadow, anoxic, Freddie I, Spud, Josh C, Admiral_Ackbar47, TheArbiter, Joel S, Isaac H, Yurii S, David R, Paul D, JhinWick, Mec, Dominick V, Jason B, mrl515, Sir_Djack, Naginatana Cruiser, Faisal A, Hawks, Cardo S, JPEAKE128, William H, Event Horizon, Jeffrey F, John M, Jakob M, Fedon C, Marek N, Teckdoc, Adamz A, Breathofire, shan_rocks, Lily R, Boyko K, Caffeine, fluffyninjarobatech, Interphase, Mark, Squatlock, TuningFork, Kuro, Monty C, R, Candice D, Iain W, Umer Q, Chris T, Whimsiest Fœcken Tomcat, P. M. R., Al J, zaneyd, Schneefernerkopf, Squish, Colton B, Jiacheng H, Haoran H, T34mki11, Smelly Butt, Yannik, Jacob R, Michael H, Newtype_Nate, Savaged Regime, Sparky Ampersand, Brian, Gabriel F, Blazin Ace, bbb, Havasmann, Razor Crest, Fonsky_, Dávid B, sdrwer erwer, Nikola Tesla, Cameron S, abablabab, Autarch C, Chris A, MrCalhoun, Brett A, Jesse, & K Rau!
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