Yep, from now on, I'm scheduling my tracks to release on Thursdays... just a branding thing... or something (and this one so happens to be on 4/20. you're welcome 😂)
As debuted at VGM CON: OOPS ALL ZELDA 2023, here is my remix of Chill, by Hirokazu Tanaka. I've found in my years that almost no one remixes Chill, so I thought I would!
In my opinion this song is superior in every way, and Tanaka is so dang underrated as a composer! Let's give him the credit he deserves!
Also, I got a LOT of inspiration from my friend Mario IRL to make this track... HEH #IYKYK
(like seriously, i'm not kidding... you may have to do some digging for this one, or just watch the ABGT 350 set...)
Wait for the drop at the end! Enjoy!
Thank you also to my Patrons. Your support means the world to me!
Cavic Hannison
Nathan Schlatter
Nathan Madsen
Taryn Trimble
David Pratt
Petrov Neutrino
ALSO I LOVE Giving away my music! If you ever want to use any in your videos, please do! Of course, if you wanna buy the files off iTunes/Bandcamp I won't stop you, but if you are short on funds and you want me to send you any full quality files of the original mixes, please email me at [email protected]
Follow Theology to unlock God mode with Club-Ready Video Game Remixes!
Gameplay = HalDanGhor (I am NOT good enough to do a level 20 High lol)