Let me tell you a little about how everything began and how has been the progress; but above all this, never forget that you must follow your dreams :) and fight for them!
wanna see more videos of the begining?
check my First DemoReel 2006-2007 :
• Anthonbsb Demo_Reel 1 : 2006-2007
and this is the new DemoReel :)
• VFX Demo Reel 2021 by Alejandro Alvarez
The light that we will be unboxing next time is:
IVISII G2 Pocket RGB Camera Light
Dejame contarte un poco de como inició todo y como ha sido el progreso, pero por sobre todo, nunca olvides que siempre debes perseguir tus sueños :) y pelea por ellos!