From Mid-September to Mid-October 2023, the #FalconBrigade conducted a training rotation at the Joint Readiness Training Center (JRTC) in Ft. Johnson, LA. Across the forests and swamps that make up #TheBox, #TaskForceFalconJRTC23_10 conducted simulated tactical and support operations against the formidable #Geronimo Opposition Forces and worked with countless Observer Coach/Trainers (OC/T) to further hone our expertise. From conducting a Joint Forcible Entry (JFE) to conducting multiple Live Fire Exercises (LFX), our #FalconParatroopers displayed professionalism, grit, lethality, and discipline. JRTC provides some of the most intense and realistic training available and was a critical training tool to increase our readiness as we prepare to assume the role of the Division's #ImmediateReadyForce.
Want to know more about what our #FalconAwesome Paratroopers did during this training rotation? 👀 here!
We are READY! #18hoursanywhereanytime
#GunsandLeaderstotheFront #MastersoftheAirborneJFE #BeReady #BeAllYouCanBe #AIM2Marketplace24_02 #AATW
U.S. Army 📹 by Staff Sgt. Lawrence Wong, 49th Public Affairs Detachment & Joint Readiness Training Center Operations Group