before we solve questions, I just made an introductory lecture on basics of bit manipulation, I will make more if needed or else I will just start posting solutions.
Here are the useful links :
C++ course (Not Affiliated):
Number system : • Introduction to Number Systems
Stack Overflow :
450 DSA solution ( in progress ) :
If you want to learn about STL and bitset tell me comments I will make a video on that topic.
if you want to learn about advanced bit manipulation concepts like XOR'ed doubly linked list, toggling...etc let me know in comments.
Thank you.
0:00 Introduction
2:10 Binary Operators
4:20 Number System
7:29 Decimal to Binary conversion
11:33 How computer store numbers
17:30 XOR Operator
23:36 Properties of XOR Operation
27:05 Question
28:10 Solution Of Question
35:07 Bitwise OR operator
38:45 Bitwise AND operator
39:45 Bitwise NOT operator
41:50 Bitwise Left Shift Operator
45:55 Bitwise Right Shift Operator
47:20 Undefined Behaviors and Overflows
48:49 Logical Operators vs Bitwise Operators
52:00 Sorry for inconvenience forget to edit this
52:20 Kill Switch ( how C++ evaluate Logical operation)
56:50 Question on Kill switch
58:28 Some of the Applications of Bit manipulation
59:00 Fast division and multiplication with powers of 2
1:02:25 Check weather a number is even or odd
1:04:32 Swap Two numbers
1:13:10 Accessing the ith bit
1:17:20 Check if ith bit is set bit
1:19:40 Flip the ith bit
1:22:40 Turn Off ith bit
1:27:20 Check if the number is a power of 2
1:37:25 Char Case conversion
1:40:14 Finding Minimum and Maximum
1:44:19 Brain Kernighan Algorithm
1:48:55 Thanks