Edit name range with Name Manager (for this method, please visit: https://www.extendoffice.com/document...) Edit name range with Kutools for Excel (video shows)
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How to resize images in Word?
How to remove section breaks in Word?
How to save emails as other format file in Outlook
Quickly convert equations to image with Kutools for Word
Quickly remove the horizontal lines in the header of a Word document
How to update or refresh caption numbers in Word?
Concatenate column/row/cells into one cell
5 seconds to count duplicates in Excel
Quickly Create drop down list in Excel
Excel Shortcut: Ctrl + E to Split Names
How to add signature in Outlook?
Install Fonts to Word on Windows: Drag and drop to add fonts
How to Add Fonts to Word (Windows & Mac)
How to Change Microsoft Word to Dark Mode
Create a drop cap in Word and Google Docs – Step by step tutorial
How to double space in Word - 4 easy methods
Insert text after Nth character within every cell in Excel
Insert Emoji in Microsoft Word: A Comprehensive Guide
Integrate ChatGPT to Excel for Smarter Insights - Kutools AI Aide
Analyze Data in Excel: data analysis made easy with AI
Quickly add hours/minutes/seconds to datetimes in Excel
Using Bcc in Outlook: add, automate, view, and more
Easily find duplicates in Excel: select, hide, identify, highlight
Quickly unhide columns in Excel – A step by step guide