IT'S FINALLY HERE! AFTER A YEAR OF WAITING THE LADZ ARE BACK IN THEIR DARKEST HOUR! A mishap with Abbess Sanctorum's warsuit leads to Tech being arrested by the Sisters of Battle, and they're so determined to bring him to justice than not even Roboute Guilliman's legendary paperwork skills can get him out of it! Can Mek muster up the legal know-how to set his friend free? FIND OUT THIS TIME ON TECHNMEK BALL Z!!!!!!!!!
Vocal contributions!
Anna & Carole Carolemeyer of the Carole Clan as the voices of Judge Misandria and the Headswoman! They're the channel's resident package deal for a reason folks (everybody say thank you to Anna & Carole Carolemeyer of the Carole Clan)
Joyce Wong! Who voiced the nerdy Sister with such grace that I really did believe she took a balloon on free balloon day (everybody say thank you to Joyce)
Trinity Somerset, who brought such great lasagnific energy to her role as Morvenn Vahl (everbody say thank you to Trinity)
And last and least (heh), the man, the myth, the legend, the elf-obsessed, Dark Souls 2's strongest soldier himself, PancreasNoWork (everybody say thank you to PancreasNoWork )
Art credz!
Tech n Mek by the Roadside by @RealSvyart
Tech n Mek get freakin stoned (literally) by @birdytheartist
Tech n Mek hitchhike with the Emperor by @KumratArt
These artists are all fantastic and I'll be posting the full versions of their work on community posts and on Elon's Feed and Seed (formerly Twitter) as the week goes on!
And most importantly, thank you to you! All my dear pals who watch my flippin videos! I hope I can make you all smile with this one. Unless it flops horribly in which case I hate all of you and hope the devil tickles your bunghole.