ПАРТИЯ МЁРТВЫХ ХЕЙДИЗ (созданная в 2010 году) и ПОЛИЦИЯ ИСТИНЫ О НЕКРОФИЛАХ И НЕКРОФИЛИИ. АНАТОЛИЙ МОСКВИН КУКОЛЬНИК - 2 августа 2022 года, Анатолия Москвина всё же признали недееспособным. Москвин окончил аспирантуру филологического факультета МГУ имени Ломоносова. Далее он продолжил научную работу.
Напомним, полоумный ученый выкопал 29 трупов. Выяснилось, что в жуткой коллекции Москвина оказалось и тельце 2,5-летней девочки. Мы пообщались с родственниками погибшей малышки.
Если бы мы не стали бить во все колокола, когда обнаружили разрытую могилу, Москвина бы никто не ловил! - переживает тетя девочки Наталья Петровна (имена всех потерпевших изменены по этическим соображениям - Авт.). - Я уверена, что многие родственники до сих пор ни о чем не подозревают.
Читайте на WWW.KP.RU: https://www.kp.ru/daily/25786/2769242/
Коллекционер трупов - Анатолий Москвин (кукольник, некрополист, некрофил, некромант)
PARTY OF THE DEAD BY LENA HADES FOUNDED IN 2010 and HER TRUTH POLICE about necrophiliaca and necrophilia
#partyofthedead #lenahades #партиямертвых #атомныйледоколЛена #хейдиз
#lenahades #хейдиз #partyofthedead #партиямертвых #lenahadesskulls
A historian has been arrested in central Russia after police found the corpses of 29 women, dressed as dolls, in his apartment, authorities said this week.
The 45-year-old man, who police did not identify, has been charged with desecrating bodies and graves, officials said.
Video released by police showed an eerie collection of what looks like life-sized dolls, outfitted in shabby dresses and headscarves, their hands and faces wrapped in fabric. Authorities say the man also stole clothes from the graves when he took the bodies.
Russian Interior Ministry spokesman Gen. Valery Gribakin told CNN police couldn't figure out for a long time who was behind the "numerous blasphemous acts against the graves and the dead bodies" at several cemeteries in and around Nizhny Novgorod, about 250 miles east of Moscow.
The incidents started about two years ago, authorities said, with each case producing a public uproar in the region. Gribakin said police went the extra mile to find the culprit.
"Our leading theory was that it was done by some extremist organizations," Gribakin said. "We decided to beef up our police units and set up ... groups composed of our most experienced detectives who specialize in extremist crimes."
But even seasoned investigators and forensic experts were shocked when their investigation led them to the historian and the contents of his apartment, where the women's mummified bodies were found. The corpses were those of women who died between the ages of 15 to 25, officials said.