In this video we use Ubuntu 20.10 and I turned off the "Automatic Date and Time" from the Settings menu.
We start by looking at the timedatectl command.
Because we have turned off the "Automatic Date and Time" we can update the date with the "date -s" command
Typing in the timedatectl command again shows we did not update the RTC (Real Time Clock). To update the real time clock, we can type with the "timedatectl set-time" command.
We see that "System clock synchronized" and "NTP" (Network Time Protocol) go out to the internet to get and update the time on the computer. When either one is enable the other gets enabled and if we set the time with "date -s" The time will be updated, but moments later, the time will be updated again with the time and date from the internet.
We use the "timedatectl list-timezones" to see the timezones available then we update the timezone with "sudo timedatectl set-timezone" command
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