31 тысяч подписчиков
529 видео
Linux Command Line (42) cut
Linux Command Line (59) ps
Linux Command Line (14) Adding Users pt1
Linux Command Line (19) Disable – Remove UserIDs
Linux Command Line (20) Add Root Users
Linux Command Line (12) Linking Files and directories
Linux Command Line (81) Linux File Systems pt2
Linux Command Line (43) awk pt1
2 of 2 -- How to Restore your system from a system backup created with Easeus Todo Backup Home
Linux Command Line (15) Adding Users pt2
Linux Command Line (93) LVM pt3 - LVM A Closer Look
Linux Command Line (80) Linux file Systems pt1
Linux Command Line (99) LVM pt9 - LVM Ubuntu
Linux Command Line (31) timedate pt2 timedatectl timezone
Linux Command LIne (94) pt4 - Expand LVM
Linux Command Line (95) LVMpt5 - RAID1 Mirror
Linux Command Line (89) dd pt1
LibreOffice Base (83) Connect Directly
FromXPtoLinux(17) Installing New Software
28- Libre Office - Calc, Open Office -- Calc, Excel Tutorial -- Protecting a Sheet in a file
Linux Command Line (64) Foreground Background
Linux Command Line (29) File Attributes
Linux Command Line (50) zip and 7zip
LibreOffice Base (67) Report Headers-Footers
Linux Command Line (97) LVM pt7 LVM Linear or LVM Raid
Linux Command Line (70) tmux pt4 tmux.conf pt2
Linux Command Line (46) gzip
29- Libre Office - Calc, Open Office -- Calc, Excel Tutorial -- Protect sheet allow calculations
LibreOffice-Writer (6) Print Button Print Preview
Impress (27) – Animations pt5 – Motion Paths
10- Libre Office - Calc, Open Office -- Calc, Excel Tutorial -- Format phone number - sort button
5 - LibreOffice Calc, OpenOffice Calc, Excel Tutorial -- Printing your spreadsheets
Linux Command Line (69) tmux pt3 .tmux.conf pt1
Linux Command Line (63) kill process
1 of 6 -- Paint.Net (Free Photo Editing tool) Basics
Linux Command Line (08) Output Redirection
Linux Command Line (67) tmux pt1
Linux Command Line (30) Time and Date pt1
Linux Command Line (27) ACLs pt1
Linux Command Line (07) Viewing Files (cat, more, less, head, tail)
Linux Command Line (04) CD - Change Directory
9 - Libre Office Calc, Open Office Calc, Excel Tutorial -- 2 rows of text in 1 cell -- Formatting
Linux Command Line (38) RegEx pt2
LibreOffice Base (02) Create a Table with the Table Wizard
Linux Command Line (51) rsync pt 1
Linux Command Line 90 dd pt2
Linux Command Line (16) Editing Users pt1
Linux Command Line (106) ZFS pt5 sub-directories pt1
Linux Command Line (87) Partition Labels
LibreOffice Draw (33) 3D Bodies
Linux Command Line (84) Partition A USB (GUI)