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In this video I have discussed about interview questions and answers
Also recently I have uploaded video on CICD pipeline to deploy java based application, which might help in interviews - • CICD pipeline for Java application to...
Below are the questions which I have discussed
💥 💥 Time-stamps 💥 💥
0:10 Intro
0:54 Linux Commands/Shell Scripting Questions
✔️ 00:56 Command to find empty files in a given directory?
✔️ 03:15 Commands you will use it for configuring ssh connectivity between 2 machines and what files will be present in .ssh folder?
✔️ 08:22 How to schedule a shell script in unix machines?
✔️ 10:40 Command to get load average ?
✔️ 11:18 Need to identify IP addresses in log file and count of ip addresses in log file? ( detailed video • Extracting IP address from logfile )
✔️ 14:42 What is command for checking the running process? how to get PID of process?
✔️ 15:56 Command to get whether certain port is listing or not?
✔️ 18:47 How to identify the number of params that has been sent to shell script?
✔️ 20:32 Command to delete empty line in a file?
✔️ 22:06 What is exit status?
✔️ 23:50 Given machine, how will you identify which machine it is?
24:39 - Git/Github Questions
✔️ 24:41 What is git reset ? Types of reset ?
✔️ 33:29 How to delete local branch and remote branch in git ?
✔️ 36:44 Difference between git diff and git status ?
✔️ 38:45 What are hooks in git? ( datree video - • Prevent Kubernetes Misconfigurations ... )
✔️ 48:38 What is the importance .git directory?
✔️ 49:47 What are the branches, diff between remote and local branches?
✔️ 54:44 What Branching strategy that you are familiar with?
✔️ 59:11 What PR (Pull request) is? what's the importance of PR?
✔️ 1:04:01 Which version of git you have used?
✔️ 1:04:45 What is git squash?
✔️ 1:11:00 Command to list all commits?
1:11:38 - Maven Questions
✔️ 1:11:40 What are things you need to set, if you want download dependency from private repository ?
✔️ 1:16:34 Command to skip the test cases in maven
✔️ 1:19:34 What is multi module project?
✔️ 1:23:57 What is the importance of dependency management?
✔️ 1:27:36 What is the default value of packaging tag? What other values for other artifact types?
✔️ 1:29:06 What are GAV’s?
✔️ 1:29:38 Is there way by which we can set local repository as some other custom directory, other than .m2?
1:32:24 - Docker Questions
✔️ 1:32:25 How to configure docker private registry?
✔️ 1:38:45 Types of network in docker? if you don't specify network to deploy on which network the container will be created?
✔️ 1:40:30 Explain a sample dockerfile that you have used in your project? ( detailed video - • micro services on docker | deploying ... )
✔️ 1:48:08 Can we launch Linux containers windows and vice versa?
✔️ 1:50:19 What does ONBUILD instruction do in Dockerfile?
✔️ 1:52:46 What is the use of .dockerignore file?
✔️ 1:56:49 How to delete all stopped containers and unused images command for that?
✔️ 1:59:45 Is it good to use docker compose in production?
✔️ 2:00:50 How to parametrize base image tag?
✔️ 2:04:16 Building Dockerfile in directory which has large file is good practice?
2:05:08 - Ansible Questions
✔️ 2:05:09 Why ansible ? What makes ansible powerful than other tools like chef and puppet?
✔️ 2:11:17 5 modules that you have worked on? Can we create custom module ? ( doc - https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/2.3/... )
✔️ 2:13:20 What is dynamic inventory in ansible?
✔️ 2:15:33 Lets say I have both Ubuntu and centos machines as nodes I want install application tree using same playbook, how would you approach this scenario?
✔️ 2:22:22 How to handle prompts with ansible playbook?
✔️ 2:29:19 What is ansible galaxy?
✔️ 2:30:40 What are adhoc commands?
2:33:14 - Jenkins Questions
✔️ 2:33:15 How to set Jenkins build to fail based specific word in console output ?
✔️ 2:39:35 What are active and reactive parameters (Dynamic parameterization) in Jenkins ?
✔️ 2:46:56 How to customize the build number display to something else in Jenkins job page?
✔️ 2:50:29 What are multi branch pipeline?
✔️ 2:53:50 What is shared library in Jenkins ?
✔️ 3:04:24 What type of Jenkinsfile you have worked on?
✔️ 3:05:08 In master slave setup if I want run job on specific node is is possible?
✔️ 3:06:25 what is the importance of Jenkins secrets?
✔️ 3:08:50 How do you take Jenkins backup?
✔️ 3:11:13 Importance of post block?
✔️ 3:13:31 Can we have job for pr and once merge is done the source branch should be deleted?
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📂Git Repositories Used In Interview📂
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